There are many sports depicted in works of art. Still, it takes some time to look for works of art with a capital A. Works of 'art' with sports as the subject are often made for and in larger editions, such as posters. Sports inspire, just like art. Hanging sports art in your home will certainly motivate you to go outside more often and train your heart rate. In our search for works of Art with sports as a subject, we regularly look for new examples in this blog.

Balletklas van Edgar Degas. Painted between 1871 and 1874. It is in the collection of the Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Kamer-gymnastiek, Jan de Haan, 1875 - 1903

Gerard Joseph Portielje, Chess Match. Collection Simonis & Buunk
Edgar Degas, 1869, Renpaarden voor de tribune, Musee D'Orsay

George Seurat, 1891, Circus, Musee D'Orsay
Theo van Rijsselberghe, 1896, Paul Signac at the Helm of Olympia

Hendrik Jan Wolter, 1939, Horserace at Galoppatoio, Villa Borghese, Rome