Cesare Dandini was a painter during the Florentine dynasty in the late Middle Ages. This painting 'Two wild ducks hanging after hunting' was commissioned by Cardinal Jean-Charles de Medici for his residence on Via della Scala. It currently hangs in the Ufize museum. Dandini was a typical painter of the Baroque period who flourished in Europe around 1600. The word baroque in this context meant 'contrary to the rules (of classicist taste) or 'swollen'. Church and court were the main patrons of Baroque art. Rulers saw the effect of the dramatic baroque, realism and light-dark contrasts. Dandini also paints with a sense of naturalism and appears sensitive to the lessons of Caravaggio and the chiaroscuro of his compositions.
Poultry has always been eaten. Romans already ate peacocks and poultry is also accepted meat in every religion. In the Renaissance, the Portuguese imported the guinea fowl from Africa and the Spanish imported the turkey from Mexico in the early 16th century. Poultry has appeared in paintings since the 17th century. Hunting was a favorite hobby of rulers. The person who commissioned this painting was probably also a duck hunter. We chose a dish with contrasts in color on the plate. With red port jelly, candied duck leg, red duck breast fillet and whitened duck brains by cooking them.
Various preparations of duck on sauerkraut
- Candied leg, boiled brains & grilled Wild duck breast
- Goose fat
- 2 ducks filleted into four duck legs, two duck breast fillets, the brains of both ducks
- Pepper and salt
- Sauerkraut
- Forest mushrooms
- Creme fraiche
- Port 1 dl
- Broth 1 dl
- Gelatin
Fillet the duck. Pour the goose fat over the legs until they are covered. Place the pan on the stove and heat slowly to 95 degrees. Use a meat thermometer and possibly a heat distribution plate and let it cook very gently for about 4/5 hours. The meat is good when it falls off the bone easily.
Cut the fat layer of the duck breast in two directions to create a waffle effect. Lightly brine the fillets half an hour in advance to soften the meat and bring them to room temperature. Cut the duck breasts into squares up to the fillet with slits so that the breast can be heated more easily on the inside. Take about 4 minutes on both sides; do the oily side first. Cut into tranches. Season with salt and pepper. Place in the oven at 50 degrees. Boil the port and stock and add the dissolved gelatin. Pour onto plates and keep cold to create a mirror.